Prof. Dr. Patricia Girrbach
Professur für BWL & Nachhaltigkeit
Professorin und Unternehmensberaterin für nachhaltige Unternehmensführung - Connecting people and generating awareness for value-based leadership and sustainability.
Publikationen und Vorträge
Best Presentation Award MOTSP 2024
HR Management 4.0 - Empowerment from a holistic perspective. In: Cosic, Predrag (ed.):
Proceedings of Management of Technology - Step to Sustainable Production. Croatian
Association for PLM, ZagrebBest Presentation ICBESS 2018
“Educational turn towards digitalization by changing leadership, networks and qualification
concepts”, 20th International Conference on Business, Economics and Social Sciences
(ICBESS). June, 14-15, Vienna, AustriaBest Presentation Award MOTSP 2018
June 2018 “Logistic 4.0 - creating value by Augmented Reality”, 10th International Scientific
MOTSP-Conference (Management of Technology - Step to Sustainable Production), June 6th -8th, Primošten, CroatiaBest Presentation Award MOTSP 2016
June 2016 “How can companies increase their value by an eco-friendly production?”, 8th
International Scientific MOTSP-Conference, (Management of Technology-Step to Sustainable
Production), Croatia